#define | PTR_ADD_OFFSET(Pointer, Offset) ((PVOID)((ULONG_PTR)(Pointer) + (ULONG_PTR)(Offset))) |
#define | PTR_SUB_OFFSET(Pointer, Offset) ((PVOID)((ULONG_PTR)(Pointer) - (ULONG_PTR)(Offset))) |
#define | ALIGN_UP_BY(Address, Align) (((ULONG_PTR)(Address) + (Align) - 1) & ~((Align) - 1)) |
#define | ALIGN_UP_POINTER_BY(Pointer, Align) ((PVOID)ALIGN_UP_BY(Pointer, Align)) |
#define | ALIGN_UP(Address, Type) ALIGN_UP_BY(Address, sizeof(Type)) |
#define | ALIGN_UP_POINTER(Pointer, Type) ((PVOID)ALIGN_UP(Pointer, Type)) |
#define | PAGE_SIZE 0x1000 |
#define | PH_LARGE_BUFFER_SIZE (256 * 1024 * 1024) |
#define | PhRaiseStatus(Status) RtlRaiseStatus(Status) |
#define | ASSUME_ASSERT(Expression) __assume(Expression) |
#define | ASSUME_NO_DEFAULT __assume(FALSE) |
#define | PH_TICKS_PER_NS ((LONG64)1 * 10) |
#define | PH_TICKS_PER_MS (PH_TICKS_PER_NS * 1000) |
#define | PH_TICKS_PER_SEC (PH_TICKS_PER_MS * 1000) |
#define | PH_TICKS_PER_MIN (PH_TICKS_PER_SEC * 60) |
#define | PH_TICKS_PARTIAL_MS(Ticks) (((ULONG64)(Ticks) / PH_TICKS_PER_MS) % 1000) |
#define | PH_TICKS_PARTIAL_SEC(Ticks) (((ULONG64)(Ticks) / PH_TICKS_PER_SEC) % 60) |
#define | PH_TICKS_PARTIAL_MIN(Ticks) (((ULONG64)(Ticks) / PH_TICKS_PER_MIN) % 60) |
#define | PH_TICKS_PARTIAL_HOURS(Ticks) (((ULONG64)(Ticks) / PH_TICKS_PER_HOUR) % 24) |
#define | PH_TICKS_PARTIAL_DAYS(Ticks) ((ULONG64)(Ticks) / PH_TICKS_PER_DAY) |
#define | _Assume_refs_(count) |
| Indicates that a function assumes the specified number of references are available for the object.
#define | _Callback_ |
#define | _May_raise_ |
| Indicates that a function may raise a software exception.
#define | _Needs_align_(align) |
| Indicates that a function requires the specified value to be aligned at the specified number of bytes.
#define | C_1uTo2(x) ((unsigned short)(unsigned char)(x)) |
#define | C_1sTo2(x) ((unsigned short)(signed char)(x)) |
#define | C_1uTo4(x) ((unsigned int)(unsigned char)(x)) |
#define | C_1sTo4(x) ((unsigned int)(signed char)(x)) |
#define | C_2uTo4(x) ((unsigned int)(unsigned short)(x)) |
#define | C_2sTo4(x) ((unsigned int)(signed short)(x)) |
#define | C_4uTo8(x) ((unsigned __int64)(unsigned int)(x)) |
#define | C_4sTo8(x) ((unsigned __int64)(signed int)(x)) |
#define | PH_BUILTIN_COMPARE(value1, value2) |
#define | PH_INT32_STR_LEN 12 |
#define | PH_INT32_STR_LEN_1 (PH_INT32_STR_LEN + 1) |
#define | PH_INT64_STR_LEN 50 |
#define | PH_INT64_STR_LEN_1 (PH_INT64_STR_LEN + 1) |
#define | PH_PTR_STR_LEN 24 |
#define | PH_PTR_STR_LEN_1 (PH_PTR_STR_LEN + 1) |
FORCEINLINE LONG | PhModifySort (_In_ LONG Result, _In_ PH_SORT_ORDER Order) |
FORCEINLINE int | charcmp (_In_ signed char value1, _In_ signed char value2) |
FORCEINLINE int | ucharcmp (_In_ unsigned char value1, _In_ unsigned char value2) |
FORCEINLINE int | shortcmp (_In_ signed short value1, _In_ signed short value2) |
FORCEINLINE int | ushortcmp (_In_ unsigned short value1, _In_ unsigned short value2) |
FORCEINLINE int | intcmp (_In_ int value1, _In_ int value2) |
FORCEINLINE int | uintcmp (_In_ unsigned int value1, _In_ unsigned int value2) |
FORCEINLINE int | int64cmp (_In_ __int64 value1, _In_ __int64 value2) |
FORCEINLINE int | uint64cmp (_In_ unsigned __int64 value1, _In_ unsigned __int64 value2) |
FORCEINLINE int | intptrcmp (_In_ LONG_PTR value1, _In_ LONG_PTR value2) |
FORCEINLINE int | uintptrcmp (_In_ ULONG_PTR value1, _In_ ULONG_PTR value2) |
FORCEINLINE int | singlecmp (_In_ float value1, _In_ float value2) |
FORCEINLINE int | doublecmp (_In_ double value1, _In_ double value2) |
FORCEINLINE int | wcsicmp2 (_In_opt_ PWSTR Value1, _In_opt_ PWSTR Value2) |
void * | _InterlockedCompareExchangePointer (void *volatile *Destination, void *Exchange, void *Comparand) |
FORCEINLINE void * | _InterlockedExchangePointer (void *volatile *Destination, void *Exchange) |
FORCEINLINE LONG_PTR | _InterlockedExchangeAddPointer (_Inout_ _Interlocked_operand_ LONG_PTR volatile *Addend, _In_ LONG_PTR Value) |
FORCEINLINE LONG_PTR | _InterlockedIncrementPointer (_Inout_ _Interlocked_operand_ LONG_PTR volatile *Addend) |
FORCEINLINE LONG_PTR | _InterlockedDecrementPointer (_Inout_ _Interlocked_operand_ LONG_PTR volatile *Addend) |
FORCEINLINE BOOLEAN | _InterlockedBitTestAndResetPointer (_Inout_ _Interlocked_operand_ LONG_PTR volatile *Base, _In_ LONG_PTR Bit) |
FORCEINLINE BOOLEAN | _InterlockedBitTestAndSetPointer (_Inout_ _Interlocked_operand_ LONG_PTR volatile *Base, _In_ LONG_PTR Bit) |
FORCEINLINE BOOLEAN | _InterlockedIncrementNoZero (_Inout_ _Interlocked_operand_ LONG volatile *Addend) |
FORCEINLINE VOID | PhPrintInt32 (_Out_writes_(PH_INT32_STR_LEN_1) PWSTR Destination, _In_ LONG Int32) |
FORCEINLINE VOID | PhPrintUInt32 (_Out_writes_(PH_INT32_STR_LEN_1) PWSTR Destination, _In_ ULONG UInt32) |
FORCEINLINE VOID | PhPrintInt64 (_Out_writes_(PH_INT64_STR_LEN_1) PWSTR Destination, _In_ LONG64 Int64) |
FORCEINLINE VOID | PhPrintUInt64 (_Out_writes_(PH_INT64_STR_LEN_1) PWSTR Destination, _In_ ULONG64 UInt64) |
FORCEINLINE VOID | PhPrintPointer (_Out_writes_(PH_PTR_STR_LEN_1) PWSTR Destination, _In_ PVOID Pointer) |
FORCEINLINE ULONG | PhCountBits (_In_ ULONG Value) |
FORCEINLINE ULONG | PhRoundNumber (_In_ ULONG Value, _In_ ULONG Multiplier) |
FORCEINLINE VOID | PhProbeAddress (_In_ PVOID UserAddress, _In_ SIZE_T UserLength, _In_ PVOID BufferAddress, _In_ SIZE_T BufferLength, _In_ ULONG Alignment) |
FORCEINLINE PLARGE_INTEGER | PhTimeoutFromMilliseconds (_Out_ PLARGE_INTEGER Timeout, _In_ ULONG Milliseconds) |
FORCEINLINE NTSTATUS | PhGetLastWin32ErrorAsNtStatus () |
FORCEINLINE PVOID | PhGetModuleProcAddress (_In_ PWSTR ModuleName, _In_ PSTR ProcName) |