Process Hacker
kph.h File Reference
#include <ntifs.h>
#include <phnt.h>
#include <ntfill.h>
#include <kphapi.h>

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Data Structures



#define dprintf




NTSTATUS KpiGetFeatures (__out PULONG Features, __in KPROCESSOR_MODE AccessMode)
NTSTATUS KphEnumerateSystemModules (__out PRTL_PROCESS_MODULES *Modules)
 Enumerates the modules loaded by the kernel.
NTSTATUS KphValidateAddressForSystemModules (__in PVOID Address, __in SIZE_T Length)
 Checks if an address range lies within a kernel module.
 __drv_dispatchType (IRP_MJ_DEVICE_CONTROL) DRIVER_DISPATCH KphDispatchDeviceControl
NTSTATUS KphDispatchDeviceControl (__in PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, __in PIRP Irp)
VOID KphDynamicImport (VOID)
 Dynamically imports routines.
PVOID KphGetSystemRoutineAddress (__in PWSTR SystemRoutineName)
 Retrieves the address of a function exported by NTOS or HAL.
POBJECT_TYPE KphGetObjectType (__in PVOID Object)
 Gets the type of an object.
PHANDLE_TABLE KphReferenceProcessHandleTable (__in PEPROCESS Process)
 Gets a pointer to the handle table of a process.
VOID KphDereferenceProcessHandleTable (__in PEPROCESS Process)
 Dereferences the handle table of a process.
VOID KphUnlockHandleTableEntry (__in PHANDLE_TABLE HandleTable, __in PHANDLE_TABLE_ENTRY HandleTableEntry)
NTSTATUS KpiEnumerateProcessHandles (__in HANDLE ProcessHandle, __out_bcount(BufferLength) PVOID Buffer, __in_opt ULONG BufferLength, __out_opt PULONG ReturnLength, __in KPROCESSOR_MODE AccessMode)
 Enumerates the handles of a process.
NTSTATUS KphQueryNameObject (__in PVOID Object, __out_bcount(BufferLength) POBJECT_NAME_INFORMATION Buffer, __in ULONG BufferLength, __out PULONG ReturnLength)
 Queries the name of an object.
NTSTATUS KphQueryNameFileObject (__in PFILE_OBJECT FileObject, __out_bcount(BufferLength) POBJECT_NAME_INFORMATION Buffer, __in ULONG BufferLength, __out PULONG ReturnLength)
 Queries the name of a file object.
NTSTATUS KpiQueryInformationObject (__in HANDLE ProcessHandle, __in HANDLE Handle, __in KPH_OBJECT_INFORMATION_CLASS ObjectInformationClass, __out_bcount(ObjectInformationLength) PVOID ObjectInformation, __in ULONG ObjectInformationLength, __out_opt PULONG ReturnLength, __in KPROCESSOR_MODE AccessMode)
 Queries object information.
NTSTATUS KpiSetInformationObject (__in HANDLE ProcessHandle, __in HANDLE Handle, __in KPH_OBJECT_INFORMATION_CLASS ObjectInformationClass, __in_bcount(ObjectInformationLength) PVOID ObjectInformation, __in ULONG ObjectInformationLength, __in KPROCESSOR_MODE AccessMode)
 Sets object information.
NTSTATUS KphDuplicateObject (__in PEPROCESS SourceProcess, __in_opt PEPROCESS TargetProcess, __in HANDLE SourceHandle, __out_opt PHANDLE TargetHandle, __in ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess, __in ULONG HandleAttributes, __in ULONG Options, __in KPROCESSOR_MODE AccessMode)
 Re-opens an object.
NTSTATUS KpiDuplicateObject (__in HANDLE SourceProcessHandle, __in HANDLE SourceHandle, __in_opt HANDLE TargetProcessHandle, __out_opt PHANDLE TargetHandle, __in ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess, __in ULONG HandleAttributes, __in ULONG Options, __in KPROCESSOR_MODE AccessMode)
 Re-opens an object.
NTSTATUS KphOpenNamedObject (__out PHANDLE ObjectHandle, __in ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess, __in POBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjectAttributes, __in POBJECT_TYPE ObjectType, __in KPROCESSOR_MODE AccessMode)
NTSTATUS KpiOpenProcess (__out PHANDLE ProcessHandle, __in ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess, __in PCLIENT_ID ClientId, __in KPROCESSOR_MODE AccessMode)
 Opens a process.
NTSTATUS KpiOpenProcessToken (__in HANDLE ProcessHandle, __in ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess, __out PHANDLE TokenHandle, __in KPROCESSOR_MODE AccessMode)
 Opens the token of a process.
NTSTATUS KpiOpenProcessJob (__in HANDLE ProcessHandle, __in ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess, __out PHANDLE JobHandle, __in KPROCESSOR_MODE AccessMode)
 Opens the job object of a process.
NTSTATUS KpiSuspendProcess (__in HANDLE ProcessHandle, __in KPROCESSOR_MODE AccessMode)
 Suspends a process.
NTSTATUS KpiResumeProcess (__in HANDLE ProcessHandle, __in KPROCESSOR_MODE AccessMode)
 Resumes a process.
NTSTATUS KphTerminateProcessInternal (__in PEPROCESS Process, __in NTSTATUS ExitStatus)
 Terminates a process using PsTerminateProcess.
NTSTATUS KpiTerminateProcess (__in HANDLE ProcessHandle, __in NTSTATUS ExitStatus, __in KPROCESSOR_MODE AccessMode)
 Terminates a process using PsTerminateProcess.
NTSTATUS KpiQueryInformationProcess (__in HANDLE ProcessHandle, __in KPH_PROCESS_INFORMATION_CLASS ProcessInformationClass, __out_bcount(ProcessInformationLength) PVOID ProcessInformation, __in ULONG ProcessInformationLength, __out_opt PULONG ReturnLength, __in KPROCESSOR_MODE AccessMode)
 Queries process information.
NTSTATUS KpiSetInformationProcess (__in HANDLE ProcessHandle, __in KPH_PROCESS_INFORMATION_CLASS ProcessInformationClass, __in_bcount(ProcessInformationLength) PVOID ProcessInformation, __in ULONG ProcessInformationLength, __in KPROCESSOR_MODE AccessMode)
 Sets process information.
BOOLEAN KphAcquireProcessRundownProtection (__in PEPROCESS Process)
 Prevents a process from terminating.
VOID KphReleaseProcessRundownProtection (__in PEPROCESS Process)
 Allows a process to terminate.
NTSTATUS KpiOpenDriver (__out PHANDLE DriverHandle, __in POBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjectAttributes, __in KPROCESSOR_MODE AccessMode)
NTSTATUS KpiQueryInformationDriver (__in HANDLE DriverHandle, __in DRIVER_INFORMATION_CLASS DriverInformationClass, __out_bcount(DriverInformationLength) PVOID DriverInformation, __in ULONG DriverInformationLength, __out_opt PULONG ReturnLength, __in KPROCESSOR_MODE AccessMode)
NTSTATUS KpiOpenThread (__out PHANDLE ThreadHandle, __in ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess, __in PCLIENT_ID ClientId, __in KPROCESSOR_MODE AccessMode)
 Opens a thread.
NTSTATUS KpiOpenThreadProcess (__in HANDLE ThreadHandle, __in ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess, __out PHANDLE ProcessHandle, __in KPROCESSOR_MODE AccessMode)
 Opens the process of a thread.
NTSTATUS KphTerminateThreadByPointerInternal (__in PETHREAD Thread, __in NTSTATUS ExitStatus)
 Terminates a thread using PspTerminateThreadByPointer.
NTSTATUS KpiTerminateThread (__in HANDLE ThreadHandle, __in NTSTATUS ExitStatus, __in KPROCESSOR_MODE AccessMode)
 Terminates a thread.
NTSTATUS KpiTerminateThreadUnsafe (__in HANDLE ThreadHandle, __in NTSTATUS ExitStatus, __in KPROCESSOR_MODE AccessMode)
 Terminates a thread using an unsafe method.
NTSTATUS KpiGetContextThread (__in HANDLE ThreadHandle, __inout PCONTEXT ThreadContext, __in KPROCESSOR_MODE AccessMode)
 Gets the context of a thread.
NTSTATUS KpiSetContextThread (__in HANDLE ThreadHandle, __in PCONTEXT ThreadContext, __in KPROCESSOR_MODE AccessMode)
 Sets the context of a thread.
ULONG KphCaptureStackBackTrace (__in ULONG FramesToSkip, __in ULONG FramesToCapture, __in_opt ULONG Flags, __out_ecount(FramesToCapture) PVOID *BackTrace, __out_opt PULONG BackTraceHash)
 Captures a stack trace of the current thread.
NTSTATUS KphCaptureStackBackTraceThread (__in PETHREAD Thread, __in ULONG FramesToSkip, __in ULONG FramesToCapture, __out_ecount(FramesToCapture) PVOID *BackTrace, __out_opt PULONG CapturedFrames, __out_opt PULONG BackTraceHash, __in KPROCESSOR_MODE AccessMode)
 Captures the stack trace of a thread.
NTSTATUS KpiCaptureStackBackTraceThread (__in HANDLE ThreadHandle, __in ULONG FramesToSkip, __in ULONG FramesToCapture, __out_ecount(FramesToCapture) PVOID *BackTrace, __out_opt PULONG CapturedFrames, __out_opt PULONG BackTraceHash, __in KPROCESSOR_MODE AccessMode)
 Captures the stack trace of a thread.
NTSTATUS KpiQueryInformationThread (__in HANDLE ThreadHandle, __in KPH_THREAD_INFORMATION_CLASS ThreadInformationClass, __out_bcount(ProcessInformationLength) PVOID ThreadInformation, __in ULONG ThreadInformationLength, __out_opt PULONG ReturnLength, __in KPROCESSOR_MODE AccessMode)
 Queries thread information.
NTSTATUS KpiSetInformationThread (__in HANDLE ThreadHandle, __in KPH_THREAD_INFORMATION_CLASS ThreadInformationClass, __in_bcount(ThreadInformationLength) PVOID ThreadInformation, __in ULONG ThreadInformationLength, __in KPROCESSOR_MODE AccessMode)
 Sets thread information.
NTSTATUS KphCopyVirtualMemory (__in PEPROCESS FromProcess, __in PVOID FromAddress, __in PEPROCESS ToProcess, __in PVOID ToAddress, __in SIZE_T BufferLength, __in KPROCESSOR_MODE AccessMode, __out PSIZE_T ReturnLength)
 Copies memory from one process to another.
NTSTATUS KpiReadVirtualMemory (__in HANDLE ProcessHandle, __in PVOID BaseAddress, __out_bcount(BufferSize) PVOID Buffer, __in SIZE_T BufferSize, __out_opt PSIZE_T NumberOfBytesRead, __in KPROCESSOR_MODE AccessMode)
 Copies memory from another process into the current process.
NTSTATUS KpiWriteVirtualMemory (__in HANDLE ProcessHandle, __in_opt PVOID BaseAddress, __in_bcount(BufferSize) PVOID Buffer, __in SIZE_T BufferSize, __out_opt PSIZE_T NumberOfBytesWritten, __in KPROCESSOR_MODE AccessMode)
 Copies memory from the current process into another process.
NTSTATUS KpiReadVirtualMemoryUnsafe (__in_opt HANDLE ProcessHandle, __in PVOID BaseAddress, __out_bcount(BufferSize) PVOID Buffer, __in SIZE_T BufferSize, __out_opt PSIZE_T NumberOfBytesRead, __in KPROCESSOR_MODE AccessMode)
 Copies process or kernel memory into the current process.
FORCEINLINE VOID KphFreeCapturedUnicodeString (__in PUNICODE_STRING CapturedUnicodeString)
FORCEINLINE NTSTATUS KphCaptureUnicodeString (__in PUNICODE_STRING UnicodeString, __out PUNICODE_STRING CapturedUnicodeString)


ULONG KphFeatures
_ExfUnblockPushLock ExfUnblockPushLock_I
_ObGetObjectType ObGetObjectType_I
_PsAcquireProcessExitSynchronization PsAcquireProcessExitSynchronization_I
_PsIsProtectedProcess PsIsProtectedProcess_I
_PsReleaseProcessExitSynchronization PsReleaseProcessExitSynchronization_I
_PsResumeProcess PsResumeProcess_I
_PsSuspendProcess PsSuspendProcess_I

Macro Definition Documentation

#define dprintf

Definition at line 15 of file kph.h.


Definition at line 5 of file kph.h.

Typedef Documentation


Function Documentation

__drv_dispatchType ( IRP_MJ_DEVICE_CONTROL  )
BOOLEAN KphAcquireProcessRundownProtection ( __in PEPROCESS  Process)

Prevents a process from terminating.

ProcessA process object.
TRUE if the function succeeded, FALSE if the process is currently terminating or the request is not supported.

Definition at line 904 of file process.c.

ULONG KphCaptureStackBackTrace ( __in ULONG  FramesToSkip,
__in ULONG  FramesToCapture,
__in_opt ULONG  Flags,
__out_ecount(FramesToCapture) PVOID *  BackTrace,
__out_opt PULONG  BackTraceHash 

Captures a stack trace of the current thread.

FramesToSkipThe number of frames to skip from the bottom of the stack.
FramesToCaptureThe number of frames to capture.
FlagsA combination of the following:
  • RTL_WALK_USER_MODE_STACK The user-mode stack will be retrieved instead of the kernel-mode stack.
BackTraceAn array in which the stack trace will be stored.
BackTraceHashA variable which receives a hash of the stack trace.
The number of frames captured.

Definition at line 582 of file thread.c.

NTSTATUS KphCaptureStackBackTraceThread ( __in PETHREAD  Thread,
__in ULONG  FramesToSkip,
__in ULONG  FramesToCapture,
__out_ecount(FramesToCapture) PVOID *  BackTrace,
__out_opt PULONG  CapturedFrames,
__out_opt PULONG  BackTraceHash,
__in KPROCESSOR_MODE  AccessMode 

Captures the stack trace of a thread.

ThreadThe thread to capture the stack trace of.
FramesToSkipThe number of frames to skip from the bottom of the stack.
FramesToCaptureThe number of frames to capture.
BackTraceAn array in which the stack trace will be stored.
CapturedFramesA variable which receives the number of frames captured.
BackTraceHashA variable which receives a hash of the stack trace.
AccessModeThe mode in which to perform access checks.
The number of frames captured.

Definition at line 650 of file thread.c.

FORCEINLINE NTSTATUS KphCaptureUnicodeString ( __in PUNICODE_STRING  UnicodeString,
__out PUNICODE_STRING  CapturedUnicodeString 

Definition at line 385 of file kph.h.

NTSTATUS KphCopyVirtualMemory ( __in PEPROCESS  FromProcess,
__in PVOID  FromAddress,
__in PEPROCESS  ToProcess,
__in PVOID  ToAddress,
__in SIZE_T  BufferLength,
__in KPROCESSOR_MODE  AccessMode,
__out PSIZE_T  ReturnLength 

Copies memory from one process to another.

FromProcessThe source process.
FromAddressThe source address.
ToProcessThe target process.
ToAddressThe target address.
BufferLengthThe number of bytes to copy.
AccessModeThe mode in which to perform access checks.
ReturnLengthA variable which receives the number of bytes copied.

Definition at line 80 of file vm.c.

VOID KphDereferenceProcessHandleTable ( __in PEPROCESS  Process)

Dereferences the handle table of a process.

ProcessA process object.

Definition at line 152 of file object.c.

NTSTATUS KphDispatchDeviceControl ( __in PDEVICE_OBJECT  DeviceObject,
__in PIRP  Irp 

Definition at line 24 of file devctrl.c.

NTSTATUS KphDuplicateObject ( __in PEPROCESS  SourceProcess,
__in_opt PEPROCESS  TargetProcess,
__in HANDLE  SourceHandle,
__out_opt PHANDLE  TargetHandle,
__in ACCESS_MASK  DesiredAccess,
__in ULONG  HandleAttributes,
__in ULONG  Options,
__in KPROCESSOR_MODE  AccessMode 

Re-opens an object.

SourceProcessThe source process from which the object will be referenced.
TargetProcessThe target process to which the object handle will be duplicated.
SourceHandleThe source handle, present in SourceProcess.
TargetHandleA variable which receives the new handle.
DesiredAccessThe desired access to the object for the new handle.
HandleAttributesThe attributes of the new handle.
OptionsA combination of the following:
  • DUPLICATE_CLOSE_SOURCE The handle will be closed in the source process instead of being duplicated to the target process. The TargetProcess and TargetHandle parameters are ignored.
  • DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS The new handle will have the same granted access as the existing handle.
  • DUPLICATE_SAME_ATTRIBUTES The new handle will have the same attributes as the existing handle.
AccessModeThe mode in which access checks will be performed.

Definition at line 1343 of file object.c.

VOID KphDynamicImport ( VOID  )

Dynamically imports routines.

Definition at line 41 of file dynimp.c.

NTSTATUS KphEnumerateSystemModules ( __out PRTL_PROCESS_MODULES Modules)

Enumerates the modules loaded by the kernel.

ModulesA variable which receives a pointer to a structure containing information about the kernel modules. The structure must be freed with the tag 'ThpK'.

Definition at line 317 of file main.c.

FORCEINLINE VOID KphFreeCapturedUnicodeString ( __in PUNICODE_STRING  CapturedUnicodeString)

Definition at line 377 of file kph.h.

POBJECT_TYPE KphGetObjectType ( __in PVOID  Object)

Gets the type of an object.

ObjectA pointer to an object.
A pointer to the object's type object, or NULL if an error occurred.

Definition at line 81 of file object.c.

PVOID KphGetSystemRoutineAddress ( __in PWSTR  SystemRoutineName)

Retrieves the address of a function exported by NTOS or HAL.

SystemRoutineNameThe name of the function.
The address of the function, or NULL if the function could not be found.

Definition at line 73 of file dynimp.c.

NTSTATUS KphOpenNamedObject ( __out PHANDLE  ObjectHandle,
__in ACCESS_MASK  DesiredAccess,
__in POBJECT_ATTRIBUTES  ObjectAttributes,
__in POBJECT_TYPE  ObjectType,
__in KPROCESSOR_MODE  AccessMode 

Definition at line 1587 of file object.c.

NTSTATUS KphQueryNameFileObject ( __in PFILE_OBJECT  FileObject,
__out_bcount(BufferLength) POBJECT_NAME_INFORMATION  Buffer,
__in ULONG  BufferLength,
__out PULONG  ReturnLength 

Queries the name of a file object.

FileObjectA pointer to a file object.
BufferThe buffer in which the object name will be stored.
BufferLengthThe number of bytes available in Buffer.
ReturnLengthA variable which receives the number of bytes required to be available in Buffer.

Definition at line 484 of file object.c.

NTSTATUS KphQueryNameObject ( __in PVOID  Object,
__out_bcount(BufferLength) POBJECT_NAME_INFORMATION  Buffer,
__in ULONG  BufferLength,
__out PULONG  ReturnLength 

Queries the name of an object.

ObjectA pointer to an object.
BufferThe buffer in which the object name will be stored.
BufferLengthThe number of bytes available in Buffer.
ReturnLengthA variable which receives the number of bytes required to be available in Buffer.

Definition at line 433 of file object.c.

PHANDLE_TABLE KphReferenceProcessHandleTable ( __in PEPROCESS  Process)

Gets a pointer to the handle table of a process.

ProcessA process object.
A pointer to the handle table, or NULL if the process is terminating or the request is not supported. You must call KphDereferenceProcessHandleTable() when the handle table is no longer needed.

Definition at line 123 of file object.c.

VOID KphReleaseProcessRundownProtection ( __in PEPROCESS  Process)

Allows a process to terminate.

ProcessA process object.

Definition at line 927 of file process.c.

NTSTATUS KphTerminateProcessInternal ( __in PEPROCESS  Process,
__in NTSTATUS  ExitStatus 

Terminates a process using PsTerminateProcess.

ProcessA process object.
ExitStatusA status value which indicates why the process is being terminated.

Definition at line 386 of file process.c.

NTSTATUS KphTerminateThreadByPointerInternal ( __in PETHREAD  Thread,
__in NTSTATUS  ExitStatus 

Terminates a thread using PspTerminateThreadByPointer.

ThreadA thread object.
ExitStatusA status value which indicates why the thread is being terminated.

Definition at line 257 of file thread.c.

VOID KphUnlockHandleTableEntry ( __in PHANDLE_TABLE  HandleTable,
__in PHANDLE_TABLE_ENTRY  HandleTableEntry 

Definition at line 161 of file object.c.

NTSTATUS KphValidateAddressForSystemModules ( __in PVOID  Address,
__in SIZE_T  Length 

Checks if an address range lies within a kernel module.

AddressThe beginning of the address range.
LengthThe number of bytes in the address range.

Definition at line 370 of file main.c.

NTSTATUS KpiCaptureStackBackTraceThread ( __in HANDLE  ThreadHandle,
__in ULONG  FramesToSkip,
__in ULONG  FramesToCapture,
__out_ecount(FramesToCapture) PVOID *  BackTrace,
__out_opt PULONG  CapturedFrames,
__out_opt PULONG  BackTraceHash,
__in KPROCESSOR_MODE  AccessMode 

Captures the stack trace of a thread.

ThreadHandleA handle to the thread to capture the stack trace of.
FramesToSkipThe number of frames to skip from the bottom of the stack.
FramesToCaptureThe number of frames to capture.
BackTraceAn array in which the stack trace will be stored.
CapturedFramesA variable which receives the number of frames captured.
BackTraceHashA variable which receives a hash of the stack trace.
AccessModeThe mode in which to perform access checks.
The number of frames captured.

Definition at line 866 of file thread.c.

NTSTATUS KpiDuplicateObject ( __in HANDLE  SourceProcessHandle,
__in HANDLE  SourceHandle,
__in_opt HANDLE  TargetProcessHandle,
__out_opt PHANDLE  TargetHandle,
__in ACCESS_MASK  DesiredAccess,
__in ULONG  HandleAttributes,
__in ULONG  Options,
__in KPROCESSOR_MODE  AccessMode 

Re-opens an object.

SourceProcessHandleA handle to the source process from which the object will be referenced.
SourceHandleThe source handle, present in SourceProcess.
TargetProcessHandleA handle to the target process to which the object handle will be duplicated.
TargetHandleA variable which receives the new handle.
DesiredAccessThe desired access to the object for the new handle.
HandleAttributesThe attributes of the new handle.
OptionsA combination of the following:
  • DUPLICATE_CLOSE_SOURCE The handle will be closed in the source process instead of being duplicated to the target process. The TargetProcess and TargetHandle parameters are ignored.
  • DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS The new handle will have the same granted access as the existing handle.
  • DUPLICATE_SAME_ATTRIBUTES The new handle will have the same attributes as the existing handle.
AccessModeThe mode in which access checks will be performed.

Definition at line 1487 of file object.c.

NTSTATUS KpiEnumerateProcessHandles ( __in HANDLE  ProcessHandle,
__out_bcount(BufferLength) PVOID  Buffer,
__in_opt ULONG  BufferLength,
__out_opt PULONG  ReturnLength,
__in KPROCESSOR_MODE  AccessMode 

Enumerates the handles of a process.

ProcessHandleA handle to a process.
BufferThe buffer in which the handle information will be stored.
BufferLengthThe number of bytes available in Buffer.
ReturnLengthA variable which receives the number of bytes required to be available in Buffer.
AccessModeThe mode in which to perform access checks.

Definition at line 285 of file object.c.

NTSTATUS KpiGetContextThread ( __in HANDLE  ThreadHandle,
__inout PCONTEXT  ThreadContext,
__in KPROCESSOR_MODE  AccessMode 

Gets the context of a thread.

ThreadHandleA handle to a thread.
ThreadContextA pointer to a context structure. ContextFlags must be set.
AccessModeThe mode in which to perform access checks.

Definition at line 501 of file thread.c.

NTSTATUS KpiGetFeatures ( __out PULONG  Features,
__in KPROCESSOR_MODE  AccessMode 

Definition at line 282 of file main.c.

NTSTATUS KpiOpenDriver ( __out PHANDLE  DriverHandle,
__in POBJECT_ATTRIBUTES  ObjectAttributes,
__in KPROCESSOR_MODE  AccessMode 

Definition at line 35 of file qrydrv.c.

NTSTATUS KpiOpenProcess ( __out PHANDLE  ProcessHandle,
__in ACCESS_MASK  DesiredAccess,
__in PCLIENT_ID  ClientId,
__in KPROCESSOR_MODE  AccessMode 

Opens a process.

ProcessHandleA variable which receives the process handle.
DesiredAccessThe desired access to the process.
ClientIdThe identifier of a process or thread. If UniqueThread is present, the process of the identified thread will be opened. If UniqueProcess is present, the identified process will be opened.
AccessModeThe mode in which to perform access checks.

Definition at line 47 of file process.c.

NTSTATUS KpiOpenProcessJob ( __in HANDLE  ProcessHandle,
__in ACCESS_MASK  DesiredAccess,
__out PHANDLE  JobHandle,
__in KPROCESSOR_MODE  AccessMode 

Opens the job object of a process.

ProcessHandleA handle to a process.
DesiredAccessThe desired access to the token.
JobHandleA variable which receives the job object handle.
AccessModeThe mode in which to perform access checks.

Definition at line 224 of file process.c.

NTSTATUS KpiOpenProcessToken ( __in HANDLE  ProcessHandle,
__in ACCESS_MASK  DesiredAccess,
__out PHANDLE  TokenHandle,
__in KPROCESSOR_MODE  AccessMode 

Opens the token of a process.

ProcessHandleA handle to a process.
DesiredAccessThe desired access to the token.
TokenHandleA variable which receives the token handle.
AccessModeThe mode in which to perform access checks.

Definition at line 141 of file process.c.

NTSTATUS KpiOpenThread ( __out PHANDLE  ThreadHandle,
__in ACCESS_MASK  DesiredAccess,
__in PCLIENT_ID  ClientId,
__in KPROCESSOR_MODE  AccessMode 

Opens a thread.

ThreadHandleA variable which receives the thread handle.
DesiredAccessThe desired access to the thread.
ClientIdThe identifier of a thread. UniqueThread must be present. If UniqueProcess is present, the process of the referenced thread will be checked against this identifier.
AccessModeThe mode in which to perform access checks.

Definition at line 89 of file thread.c.

NTSTATUS KpiOpenThreadProcess ( __in HANDLE  ThreadHandle,
__in ACCESS_MASK  DesiredAccess,
__out PHANDLE  ProcessHandle,
__in KPROCESSOR_MODE  AccessMode 

Opens the process of a thread.

ThreadHandleA handle to a thread.
DesiredAccessThe desired access to the process.
ProcessHandleA variable which receives the process handle.
AccessModeThe mode in which to perform access checks.

Definition at line 176 of file thread.c.

NTSTATUS KpiQueryInformationDriver ( __in HANDLE  DriverHandle,
__in DRIVER_INFORMATION_CLASS  DriverInformationClass,
__out_bcount(DriverInformationLength) PVOID  DriverInformation,
__in ULONG  DriverInformationLength,
__out_opt PULONG  ReturnLength,
__in KPROCESSOR_MODE  AccessMode 

Definition at line 52 of file qrydrv.c.

NTSTATUS KpiQueryInformationObject ( __in HANDLE  ProcessHandle,
__in HANDLE  Handle,
__in KPH_OBJECT_INFORMATION_CLASS  ObjectInformationClass,
__out_bcount(ObjectInformationLength) PVOID  ObjectInformation,
__in ULONG  ObjectInformationLength,
__out_opt PULONG  ReturnLength,
__in KPROCESSOR_MODE  AccessMode 

Queries object information.

ProcessHandleA handle to a process.
HandleA handle which is present in the process referenced by ProcessHandle.
ObjectInformationClassThe type of information to retrieve.
ObjectInformationThe buffer in which the information will be stored.
ObjectInformationLengthThe number of bytes available in ObjectInformation.
ReturnLengthA variable which receives the number of bytes required to be available in ObjectInformation.
AccessModeThe mode in which to perform access checks.

Definition at line 637 of file object.c.

NTSTATUS KpiQueryInformationProcess ( __in HANDLE  ProcessHandle,
__in KPH_PROCESS_INFORMATION_CLASS  ProcessInformationClass,
__out_bcount(ProcessInformationLength) PVOID  ProcessInformation,
__in ULONG  ProcessInformationLength,
__out_opt PULONG  ReturnLength,
__in KPROCESSOR_MODE  AccessMode 

Queries process information.

ProcessHandleA handle to a process.
ProcessInformationClassThe type of information to query.
ProcessInformationThe buffer in which the information will be stored.
ProcessInformationLengthThe number of bytes available in ProcessInformation.
ReturnLengthA variable which receives the number of bytes required to be available in ProcessInformation.
AccessModeThe mode in which to perform access checks.

Definition at line 537 of file process.c.

NTSTATUS KpiQueryInformationThread ( __in HANDLE  ThreadHandle,
__in KPH_THREAD_INFORMATION_CLASS  ThreadInformationClass,
__out_bcount(ProcessInformationLength) PVOID  ThreadInformation,
__in ULONG  ThreadInformationLength,
__out_opt PULONG  ReturnLength,
__in KPROCESSOR_MODE  AccessMode 

Queries thread information.

ThreadHandleA handle to a thread.
ThreadInformationClassThe type of information to query.
ThreadInformationThe buffer in which the information will be stored.
ThreadInformationLengthThe number of bytes available in ThreadInformation.
ReturnLengthA variable which receives the number of bytes required to be available in ThreadInformation.
AccessModeThe mode in which to perform access checks.

Definition at line 919 of file thread.c.

NTSTATUS KpiReadVirtualMemory ( __in HANDLE  ProcessHandle,
__in PVOID  BaseAddress,
__out_bcount(BufferSize) PVOID  Buffer,
__in SIZE_T  BufferSize,
__out_opt PSIZE_T  NumberOfBytesRead,
__in KPROCESSOR_MODE  AccessMode 

Copies memory from another process into the current process.

ProcessHandleA handle to a process. The handle must have PROCESS_VM_READ access.
BaseAddressThe address from which memory is to be copied.
BufferA buffer which receives the copied memory.
BufferSizeThe number of bytes to copy.
NumberOfBytesReadA variable which receives the number of bytes copied to the buffer.
AccessModeThe mode in which to perform access checks.

Definition at line 316 of file vm.c.

NTSTATUS KpiReadVirtualMemoryUnsafe ( __in_opt HANDLE  ProcessHandle,
__in PVOID  BaseAddress,
__out_bcount(BufferSize) PVOID  Buffer,
__in SIZE_T  BufferSize,
__out_opt PSIZE_T  NumberOfBytesRead,
__in KPROCESSOR_MODE  AccessMode 

Copies process or kernel memory into the current process.

ProcessHandleA handle to a process. The handle must have PROCESS_VM_READ access. This parameter may be NULL if BaseAddress lies above the user-mode range.
BaseAddressThe address from which memory is to be copied.
BufferA buffer which receives the copied memory.
BufferSizeThe number of bytes to copy.
NumberOfBytesReadA variable which receives the number of bytes copied to the buffer.
AccessModeThe mode in which to perform access checks.

Definition at line 529 of file vm.c.

NTSTATUS KpiResumeProcess ( __in HANDLE  ProcessHandle,
__in KPROCESSOR_MODE  AccessMode 

Resumes a process.

ProcessHandleA handle to a process.
AccessModeThe mode in which to perform access checks.

Definition at line 348 of file process.c.

NTSTATUS KpiSetContextThread ( __in HANDLE  ThreadHandle,
__in PCONTEXT  ThreadContext,
__in KPROCESSOR_MODE  AccessMode 

Sets the context of a thread.

ThreadHandleA handle to a thread.
ThreadContextThe new context of the thread.
AccessModeThe mode in which to perform access checks.

Definition at line 537 of file thread.c.

NTSTATUS KpiSetInformationObject ( __in HANDLE  ProcessHandle,
__in HANDLE  Handle,
__in KPH_OBJECT_INFORMATION_CLASS  ObjectInformationClass,
__in_bcount(ObjectInformationLength) PVOID  ObjectInformation,
__in ULONG  ObjectInformationLength,
__in KPROCESSOR_MODE  AccessMode 

Sets object information.

ProcessHandleA handle to a process.
HandleA handle which is present in the process referenced by ProcessHandle.
ObjectInformationClassThe type of information to set.
ObjectInformationA buffer which contains the information to set.
ObjectInformationLengthThe number of bytes present in ObjectInformation.
AccessModeThe mode in which to perform access checks.

Definition at line 1218 of file object.c.

NTSTATUS KpiSetInformationProcess ( __in HANDLE  ProcessHandle,
__in KPH_PROCESS_INFORMATION_CLASS  ProcessInformationClass,
__in_bcount(ProcessInformationLength) PVOID  ProcessInformation,
__in ULONG  ProcessInformationLength,
__in KPROCESSOR_MODE  AccessMode 

Sets process information.

ProcessHandleA handle to a process.
ProcessInformationClassThe type of information to set.
ProcessInformationA buffer which contains the information to set.
ProcessInformationLengthThe number of bytes present in ProcessInformation.
AccessModeThe mode in which to perform access checks.

Definition at line 747 of file process.c.

NTSTATUS KpiSetInformationThread ( __in HANDLE  ThreadHandle,
__in KPH_THREAD_INFORMATION_CLASS  ThreadInformationClass,
__in_bcount(ThreadInformationLength) PVOID  ThreadInformation,
__in ULONG  ThreadInformationLength,
__in KPROCESSOR_MODE  AccessMode 

Sets thread information.

ThreadHandleA handle to a thread.
ThreadInformationClassThe type of information to set.
ThreadInformationA buffer which contains the information to set.
ThreadInformationLengthThe number of bytes present in ThreadInformation.
AccessModeThe mode in which to perform access checks.

Definition at line 1074 of file thread.c.

NTSTATUS KpiSuspendProcess ( __in HANDLE  ProcessHandle,
__in KPROCESSOR_MODE  AccessMode 

Suspends a process.

ProcessHandleA handle to a process.
AccessModeThe mode in which to perform access checks.

Definition at line 311 of file process.c.

NTSTATUS KpiTerminateProcess ( __in HANDLE  ProcessHandle,
__in NTSTATUS  ExitStatus,
__in KPROCESSOR_MODE  AccessMode 

Terminates a process using PsTerminateProcess.

ProcessHandleA handle to a process.
ExitStatusA status value which indicates why the process is being terminated.
AccessModeThe mode in which to perform access checks.

Definition at line 467 of file process.c.

NTSTATUS KpiTerminateThread ( __in HANDLE  ThreadHandle,
__in NTSTATUS  ExitStatus,
__in KPROCESSOR_MODE  AccessMode 

Terminates a thread.

ThreadHandleA handle to a thread.
ExitStatusA status value which indicates why the thread is being terminated.
AccessModeThe mode in which to perform access checks.

Definition at line 354 of file thread.c.

NTSTATUS KpiTerminateThreadUnsafe ( __in HANDLE  ThreadHandle,
__in NTSTATUS  ExitStatus,
__in KPROCESSOR_MODE  AccessMode 

Terminates a thread using an unsafe method.

ThreadHandleA handle to a thread.
ExitStatusA status value which indicates why the thread is being terminated.
AccessModeThe mode in which to perform access checks.
The thread will be terminated even if it is currently running kernel-mode code. Therefore, resources may be leaked or remain locked indefinitely.

Definition at line 403 of file thread.c.

NTSTATUS KpiWriteVirtualMemory ( __in HANDLE  ProcessHandle,
__in_opt PVOID  BaseAddress,
__in_bcount(BufferSize) PVOID  Buffer,
__in SIZE_T  BufferSize,
__out_opt PSIZE_T  NumberOfBytesWritten,
__in KPROCESSOR_MODE  AccessMode 

Copies memory from the current process into another process.

ProcessHandleA handle to a process. The handle must have PROCESS_VM_WRITE access.
BaseAddressThe address to which memory is to be copied.
BufferA buffer which contains the memory to copy.
BufferSizeThe number of bytes to copy.
NumberOfBytesWrittenA variable which receives the number of bytes copied from the buffer.
AccessModeThe mode in which to perform access checks.

Definition at line 422 of file vm.c.

Variable Documentation

_ExfUnblockPushLock ExfUnblockPushLock_I

Definition at line 30 of file dynimp.c.

ULONG KphFeatures
_ObGetObjectType ObGetObjectType_I

Definition at line 31 of file dynimp.c.

_PsAcquireProcessExitSynchronization PsAcquireProcessExitSynchronization_I

Definition at line 32 of file dynimp.c.

_PsIsProtectedProcess PsIsProtectedProcess_I

Definition at line 33 of file dynimp.c.

_PsReleaseProcessExitSynchronization PsReleaseProcessExitSynchronization_I

Definition at line 34 of file dynimp.c.

_PsResumeProcess PsResumeProcess_I

Definition at line 35 of file dynimp.c.

_PsSuspendProcess PsSuspendProcess_I

Definition at line 36 of file dynimp.c.